Thursday, February 27, 2014

Com12: Business Communications. Week 4: Interpersonal Communication – the 5 basic traits of emotional intelligence

Self Awareness
5/10. I say this because I'm an obvious emotional person. I'm good at knowing my weaknesses but often have to be reminded of my strengths.

9/10. I am a good and honest person, a hard-worker, loyal and respectable, am conscientious and adaptable. I always maintain honesty and integrity.

Self motivation
5/10. I'm not really achievement driven unless I have a positive connection with my manager. I often lose focus and motivation if I'm not enjoying my job.

Social Awareness
5/10. Sometimes it is easy for me to sense a person's mood, other times I find them difficult to read. I guess it depends on the person to whom I'm speaking.

Social Skills
2/10. You could say I'm socially awkward and only feel comfortable around my family and close friends.

Dwyer, Judith 2013, Communication for Business and the Professions, 5th ed, Frenchs Forest, Pearson Australia.

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